How to contact Fairplay?

The company takes care about the convenience of users. There are two possible ways of communication with Fairplay customer support. You can contact either by email or online chat on the website. We will describe in which case it is better to use each of them and solve your issues. Besides email and live chat support there is a FAQ section on the website. Take a look at the FAQ section before contacting the support. Your problem was probably described here.


For maximum efficiency and prompt resolution of your issue, it is recommended to contact the support service using the e-mail address linked to your account on the Fairplay platform.

Try to describe your problem in detail or ask specific questions. It would be nice if you specify the subject of the email e.g., “Balance not topped up”. Attach related files (photos or screenshots) to your letter, if needed. This will allow the support team to process your request more quickly.

The average response is a little bit longer than in online chat. If your question requires careful approach and contains sensitive data we recommend using email for contacting support.

Online chat

The option of contacting the support through online chat is available on the website or in the application. The online chat is working 24/7. Feel free to contact support agents at any time of the day and night. Fairplay operators will answer your question immediately. Just open chat and describe your issue.

Compared to the email option you don’t need to wait 1-2 hours to get a response from the support team.

Fairplay company are professionals in their field. Player’s comfort is our number one priority. Our agents are ready to help you with any question at any time. Please, be polite to your operator.